Welcome to JakeO.com Jake Olefsky


In my college years I thought I was a good photographer, but now I know better. In any case, here are some photos that I took a long time ago that I thought were pretty cool.

Coulds shaped like a boat

Clouds shaped like a boat. Taken from an airplane.

A red mushroom

Red mushrooms taken at Sequoia National Park

Some Mountains and a Lake

Devils Bathtub at John Muir National Wilderness

Mountains from above

Cloudy Mountains Over Salt Lake City

A strange door

Impossible Door in San Francisco

Out of service hydrant

Useful Fire hydrant at Stanford University


Twisted Tree with Moon at Stanford University

A green mushroom

Green Mushrooms at Stanford University

A steep cliff

Cliffs of Moer in Ireland

Four jellyfish

Jellyfish at Monterey Bay Aquarium

Some rock

Rock at the Grand Canyon

A tower and an archway

Hoover Tower at Stanford at Night

Copyright © 2025 Jake Olefsky